International Negotiation

With International Negotiation you will learn how to successfully negotiate with business partners from different backgrounds and cultures. You will become more aware of your own cultural paradigms as well as understand and respect cultural differences.

Worldwide communications capabilities

Global sourcing and international business increases fast. So does the need to negotiate with business partners from different backgrounds and cultures. This two-day intercultural communication skills training programme International Negotiation will give you a number of tools for facilitating the process of intercultural business, negotiation and professional communication.

Excerpt from International negotiation

  • What is a culture?
  • A three-level model: Products and behaviours, Norms and values, Basic assumptions
  • How do cultures differ?
  • The "Seven Dimensions of Culture" model
  • Strategies for effective intercultural communication in negotiations
  • The theoretical inputs use real-life business and professional examples
  • The practical exercises include role-plays, group discussions and analysis of participants own intercultural cases

Training purpose and goal

The purpose is to make you more aware of your own cultural paradigms as well as understand and respect cultural differences.

The goal is that you will gain the ability to successfully handle multi-cultural business relations.

Who shall participate in International Negotiation?

Purchasing, sourcing, sales, and other business professionals wanting to improve their skills in negotiation joint-gain agreements with internal counterparts or strategic suppliers and customers.

In order for you to comprehend the content of this training, you should have participated in Silf's Successful Business Negotiation or have extensive experience from business negotiations. The course is held in English.

You will learn

  • How your own cultural background may impact your negotiations
  • How to recognise the cultural background of the other party
  • How cultural differences may affect the way you communicate
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